Jesse Huang (jaidTw)

ja1d7w [at] gmail [dot] com
jesse.huang [at] sifive [dot] com

Taipei, Taiwan

Software Engineer / Amateur Security Researcher / CTF Player

Jesse is a software engineer at SiFive, in charge of developing compiler and C library for the RISC-V architecture. He received a B.S. degree from NTNU in 2018 and a M.S. in Computer Science from UCLA in 2022.

He has a broad interest in computer systems (especially binary translation techniques and modern computer architecture) as well as system-related security.

He is also a member of one of the top Taiwanese CTF(Capture the Flag) Team ⚔️TSJ⚔️ and the founding member of team 10sec.

He used to frequently attend CTF competitions, including playing at DEF CON CTF in representation of Taiwan, and was specialized in Pwnable and Reverse Engineering challenges. Now he is semi-retired but still actively involved in Taiwan's cybersecurity community. Here are some of the past CTF writeups.

Professional Experiences

SiFive, Inc.

2022 Jul. ~

Compiler Engineer

  • Automated performance analysis process for compiler benchmarking
  • Implemented new RISC-V extensions, intrinsics into LLVM
  • Implemented vector optimizations into LLVM RISC-V backend
  • Implemented RISC-V CFI(control flow integrity) features into glibc, newlib, qemu
  • Maintain C libraries including glibc, newlib

CyCraft Technology Co.

2020 Jun. ~ 2021 Oct.

Security Research Intern

  • Analyzed malware and ransomware samples
  • Research on large scale high performance pattern matching tools and algorithms
  • Added new monitoring functionalities to Cuckoo Sandbox
  • yaradec, A tool to decompile Yara binaries written in Python 3
  • Engaged in the design of Cybercans, an educational board game leverages the concept of Cyber Defense Matrix, as well as assist its promotion in Japan.


2018 Jun. ~ 2020 Jun.

Freelancing while I was preparing for the application for the MS program. Works I've done including:

  • Techinical document translations (English, Chinese)
  • Website design / bootstraping
  • Teaching, short talks, see "Speaking & Teaching"


University of California, Los Angeles

2020 Sep. ~ 2022 Mar.
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science

M.S. in Computer Science

National Taiwan Normal University

2014 Sep. ~ 2018 Jun.
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

B.Eng. in Computer Science and Information Engineering


Speaking & Teaching

I often give talks and lectures in schools, industry and communities, most of them are related to program security.

Community Experiences

I'm a self-motivated learner and passionate in sharing knowledge. I used to frequently attend several techical meetups and community conferences in Taipei, including


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